Fang Yun Lo & Hanna Linn Ernst about ›UNSOLVED‹ at PACT Zollverein


On Stage

A house, empty, abandoned, but full of traces of former life. Discarded old bags on the tables, family pictures on the walls, dusty clothes, shoes and glasses in the cupboards. What's happened? A war? A natural disaster? An unresolved family issue? 

Taking an existing Taiwanese family home as their departure point, choreographer Fang Yun Lo and her artistic association Polymer DMT contemplate the construction of cultural identity and its ephemerality within both personal and broader political contexts. 

Incorporating influences from urban dance, performer Chih Wen Chung moves through an emotive maze-like installation of miniature model rooms and shifting video images in which personal memories merge with existential questions of our time. 

To the event (FRI 28. & SAT 29.09.18)

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