Theo Livesey, Liza Baliasnaja & Christine De Smedt

by Theo Livesey, Liza Baliasnaja & Christine De Smedt


The starting point of our research is an interest in ‘invisible’ forms of violence that often remain unnoticed, yet have the capacity to leave a trace upon one’s memory, body and mental life. We refer to these phenomena as Low Intensity Violence but refrain from following one single definition. In this residency we are researching Low Intensity Violence in relation to language in its broadest sense. We look at the ways in which language can be violent in and of itself, the mechanisms in which dialogues or conversations contain potentials for violence, and the relationship between language, political agenda and context. We recognize the constancy of violence within our daily lives, where we consciously and unconsciously both generate and become prone to forms of violence. Our work unfolds from the position that violence is an inherent part of the human condition, which means that it is impossible to stand outside of it.

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