Drum marathon

  • Sat 26.08.23Sun 27.08.23 13 h01:45 h

The fascination of producing percussive sound is as old as humanity itself. However, the importance that percussion has had, particularly in the development of jazz, rock and pop music, cannot be overestimated. For the duration of this twelve-hour musical marathon, PACT Zollverein is thoroughly enthralled by percussion. The audience can wander through room after room of the rich percussive universe, exploring 15 intensely different performances. From iconic works of contemporary music to legendary jazz greats such as Marilyn Mazur and Billy Cobham, from improvisations to sound installations: over a dozen musicians will set the walls of the former washroom vibrating. A once-only meeting between the most diverse forms of expression, a unique promenade through the world of percussion instruments, at times producing fireworks, at times subtly probing the overtone spectrum, in any event varied, pulsating and gripping.

As part of Ruhrtriennale.

Perkussion: Brian Archinal, Billy Cobham, Peter Eisold, Camille Emaille, Aly Keïta, Marilyn Mazur, Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, Lucas Niggli, Etienne Nillesen, Dirk Rothbrust, Julian Sartorius, Pol Small, Gabriel Valtchev Ensemble This / Ensemble That: Brian Archinal, Victor Barcelo, Miguel Angel Garcia Marin, Bastian Pfefferli Klavier: Matthieu Cognet, Virginie Déjos Klanginstallation: Olli Holland u.v.m.

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Tach am Bach
Ein Stadtteilfest in Katernberg

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  • Sat 07.09.24 19 h
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Romano Than / Orpheus XXI / The Remains / Tomasz Prasqual / Ivo Van Hove
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  • Fri 13.09.24 20 h
  • Sat 14.09.24 20 h

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