Michiel Vandevelde
Ends of worlds

  • Fri 30.09.22 20:30 h

Pre-Sale 15€ red. 10€
Box office 20€ red. 15€


How can we say something about the future through the lens of the past? In ›Ends of worlds‹ choreographer and curator Michiel Vandevelde examines the recent history of western modern and contemporary dance, from Isadora Duncan to Anna Halprin, amongst others. Their dances and choreographies are read as codes and signs from the past that infiltrate the future. Which ideological remains are reflected through these dances? What if the traces of these dances are to survive humankind as we know it? How would they be interpreted?

The year is 0.2300. The bodies of the dancers: reproduced homo sapiens. The stage: a historical reconstruction. The dance: an evocation of a past space-time construct. In six acts of speculation about the past from the future, the present is inevitably reflected upon. Choreography becomes a form of science-fiction. Whilst time travelling, not only is the history of dance misrepresented and reimagined, but also past disasters are remembered.

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Choreography: Michiel Vandevelde Dance: Jara Vlaeminckx, Abigail Aleksander, Jihee Kim, Robson Ledesma Costume: Lila John Set: Ward Heirwegh, Michiel Vandevelde Dramaturgy: Esther Severi Light: Tom Bruwier, Michiel Vandevelde Technique: Tom Bruwier Production: Disagree. vzw Co-production: Kaaitheater, PACT Zollverein, Buda, Pianofabriek International distribution: Something great Financial management: Klein Verzet vzw Residencies: Stuk, Kaaitheater, PACT Zollverein, Buda, Pianofabriek Supported by: De Vlaamse Overheidand de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie


01.10.2022. PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
30.09.2022. PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
21.05.2020, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE) (entfallen)
20.05.2020, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE) (entfallen)
05.02.2020, Frascati, Amsterdam (NL)
17.12.2019, Stadsschouwburg, Kortijk (BE)
23.11.2019, COFestival, Ljubljana (SI)
19.10.2019, deSingel, Antwerpen (BE)
18.10.2019, deSingel, Antwerpen (BE)
17.10.2019, CC Brugge, Stadsschouwburg, Brügge (BE)
07.07.2019, (Minimal/outdoor version), Damsand, Ostend (BE) 
19.05.2019, KunstFestSpiele, Hannover (DE)
02.05.2019, STUK, Leuven (BE)
05.04.2019, Kaaitheater, Brüssel (BE)
04.04.2019, Kaaitheater, Brüssel (BE)

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