Marie-Lena Kaiser
In front of the curtain is behind the curtain

  • Sat 25.03.23 17 h

Free admission

Duration: 50 min.

In English and German.

This event is fully booked.

»›The mystery‹ is something I think a lot of performance makers are very protective of. They feel if they must disclose what will happen, it will 'spoil' the show. Over the years I came to believe this is a failure of imagination.« – Claire Cunningham

As part of their current research, choreographer Marie-Lena Kaiser and a team of 5 dancers invite you to join them in interacting with constantly changing perspectives and trying to shift the borders between performers and spectators without completely dissolving them.

The showing opens with the question »Do you want to come with me?« The audience is thus invited to get involved in a game, to follow the dancers or to remain in their seats. As the choreography develops, the constellations of people in the space change and new dialogues and relationships unfold.

After the showing, there will be opportunity to discuss the experience with the performers and other participants.

Please register:

As part of the ›Spring Festival!‹.

Choreography: Marie-Lena Kaiser Performed by: Bianca Sere Pulungan, Jordan Gigout, Kati Masami Menze, Eslam Elnebishy, Johannes Schropp Costume & set designer: Frederike Marsha Coors Dramtaturgy: Alex Piasente-Szymański Light: Laura Salerno Production: Elena Martin

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