• Sat 21.05.22 14:30 h
  • Sun 22.05.22 14:30 h

Pay as you wish
The performance will take place outside on partly uneven forest paths.
Start: PACT entrance

With ›in gaps and patches‹, Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki / fieldworks bring together improvisation and abstraction in an investigation of the place of the body in public space. In an ongoing sculptural dialogue and search for interaction with the environment, they explore PACT’s immediate surrounds, adapt to given situations, settings and contexts.

Employing their own bodies, textiles, threads and other materials, they measure and produce frames that emphasize specific aspects and scales in a larger landscape, as part of an urban image or in a natural area. By integrating such frameworks or emphases, they highlight alternative readings of the (human) body's connection to time, space and the environment.  

»A gap can be a movement, a gap can be a thought, a gesture can mean many things« fieldworks

As part of the festival weekend ›PACT turns 20!‹ from May 20 – 22!

Concept, direction: Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki Created with and performed by: Cecilie Lindeman Steen, Morten Liene, Oleg Soulimenko, Yukiko Shinozaki, Heine Avdal Documentation by: Marie Bergby Handeland (Schriftsteller), Esben Slaatrem Titland (Illustration) Production: Avdal production, fieldworks Coproduction: PACT Zollverein, Black Box Teater, Rimi/Imir SceneKunst Supported by: Norsk Kulturrad, Vlaamse Overheid

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Experimental platform for the arts