IMPACT17 - Don't follow the wind, Paul Feigelfeld

  • Fri 03.11.17 20 h

Paul Feigelfeld

Lecture in the frame of IMPACT17 

The lecture explores the infrastructuralisation of artificial intelligence techniques and technologies including deep learning, convolutional neural networks, robotics and Internet of things (IoT) along with the autonomisation of capitalist processes in tools and entities like blockchain, DAO and Ethereum, approaching them in the context of their cultural, philosophical, political, social, economic, and ecologic Entanglements.

Paul Feigelfeld studied Cultural Studies and Computer Science at Humboldt University in Berlin, where he worked for Friedrich Kittler and Wolfgang Ernst until 2013. Until the end of 2016, he was the academic coordinator of the Digital Cultures Research Lab at the Centre for Digital Cul­ tures at Leuphana University Lüneburg. His main research topics are the history of media between East and West, data politics, arti cial intelligence, robotics and future studies. Besides his academic work, he works as a writer, translator and editor, as well as a curator and advisor for art institutions and universities. He holds a guest professorship at the Art Institute in Basel, a coordinating position at tBa21 Academy, and is an advisory member of the Vienna Biennial Circle. He teaches at various universities and art schools. Since its beginning in 2015, he has been one of the coordinators of


CHIM↑POM, DANA CASPERSEN, PAUL FEIGELFELD and JEREMY CHRISTOPHER BOLEN / DEEP TIME CHICAGO develop and explore diverse forms of critical engagement with pressing global conflicts.

Centring around digital infrastructures, global ecological and social change, political activism as well as artistic processes in conflict research, their work provokes, transforms, analyses and intervenes in realities. Hereby, they interweave valid strategies in the arts, sciences, technology and activism. Of central interest during the course of the exchange will be the question of the transferability of the guest experts’ approaches to the participants’ individual practices.

The transdisciplinary symposium IMPACT17 is aimed at artists and practitioners and theorists from the areas of science, journalism, technology, political activism, social work and city planning.

Free Admission

Further Events:

WED 01.11. 19 H




A project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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