La Ribot
llámame mariachi

  • Sat 29.10.11 20 h


In ›llámame mariachi‹ the Spanish choreographer and visual artist La Ribot, who last appeared at PACT Zollverein in the duet ›Gustavia‹ with Mathilde Monnier during the Ruhrtriennale 2009, continues her exploration of video and modes of visual treatment of the body. The piece starts with a frenetic film, set to an original soundtrack by Atom™ and shot in one fast-paced, disorientating take from the body perspectives of three dancers in succession. In the second section of the performance, the same three then appear live on stage, moving by deliberate contrast in extreme slow-motion, comically and provocatively reading from books and reflecting on the nature of art and humanity.


Uraufführung: 29.09.2009, La Comédie de Genève

Regie/Choreographie: La Ribot

Tanz: Marie-Caroline Hominal, La Ribot, Delphine Rosay

Lichtdesign: Daniel Demont

mariachi n°17 Film:

Regie/Choreographie/ Bühnebild: La Ribot

Kameraführung: Marie-Caroline

Hominal, Delphine Rosay, La Ribot

Bildregie: Daniel Demont

Musik: atom™

Tondesign: Clive Jenkins

Postproduktion: Sylvie Rodriguez, Massimiliano Simbula,

Technik: Stéphanie Rochat, David Scrufari

Bühne: Victor Roy

Produktion: La Ribot

Koproduktion: Comédie de

Genève- Centre dramatique, La Bâtie-Festival de Genève, Festival d’Automne (Paris), Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris), Fundação Caixa Geral

de Depósitos – Culturgest (Lissabon), Réseau Open Latitudes

Unterstützt von: Stadt und Kanton Genf, Pro Helvetia, Corodis, Loterie Romande, Leenaards Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung.

Zusammenarbeit mit: Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains.

Dank an: Luc Peter, Gilles Jobin, Edwin Culp, Mélanie Rouquier, Fafa, Olivier Devin, Florent Leduc, Pascale Pronnier, Anne et Nicola Marangon, Emilie Nana, Claude Bourgeois, Heleen Treichler, Lorena Ribera, Family Déco, Théâtre de Carouge, Oskar Gomez-Mata

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