Saša Asentić & Collaborators: DIS_Kurs
Video series with Leroy F. Moore

  • Wed 09.02.22Sat 26.02.22

Free admission

After ›DIS_Sylphide‹, ›DIS_Move‹ and ›DIS_Lecture‹, Saša Asentić & Collaborators present their newest project ›DIS_Kurs‹. Saša Asentić curated ›DIS_Kurs‹ as a digital video series on Disability Arts History and Politics and their critical intertwinement with ableism, racism, classism and capitalism. For the series they invited two artists/scholars/activists from the US who will share their knowledge and critique through a video series: Artie Mack and Leroy F. Moore.

In the first part of the series, taking place in January 2022, Artie Mack shares their thoughts and critique on Globalization, Ableism, Monoculture, Removal and Liabilities. Click here for the videos!

In the second part of the video series, taking place in February 2022, some of Leroy’s friends and colleagues will speak about their favorite sections of his book ›Black Disabled Art History 101‹. The videos include contributions from Ottis Smith, Keith Jones, Toni Hickman, Ace Berstein, Lateef McLeod, Gabe Wilson and Krystina Jackson, who are themselves leading artists, activists and even Emmy Award winners.

Leroy F. Moore Jr. is an African American poet, journalist and community activist based in Los Angeles, California. He is cofounder of many organizations for disabled people, including the National Black Disability Coalition. Leroy also started an international music collective for disabled musicians called Krip-Hop Nation and is part of the podcast Black Disabled Men Talk. His cultural work includes film documentaries, spoken-word CDs, poetry books, children’s books and more.

›DIS_Kurs‹ will fully take place online via the Social Media channels of Tanzerei ( The videos include English and German captions as well as interpretation in German and International Sign Languages (DGS+IS) for Arties videos. Transcripts will also be made available.

Content creation: Artie Mack, Leroy F. Moore, Ottis Smith, Keith Jones, Toni Hickman, Ace Berstein, Lateef McLeod, Gabe Wilson and Krystina Jackson Idea and artistic direction: Saša Asentić Sign language interpretation: Oya Ataman, Mandy Wyrostek Captioning: Panthea Post production and online editing: Gina Jeske Production management: Stephan Wagner

Funded by: Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of Neustart Kultur, the program tanz digital by the Federal Association of Dance in Germany and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe – Spartenoffene Förderung. Online Visibility Partners: PACT Zollverein (Essen), HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste (Dresden), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Per.Art (Novi Sad), Festival Theaterformen (Hannover/ Braunschweig)

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