›True Copy‹

  • German premiere / Co-production
  • Performance
  • German premiere
  • Sat 23.02.19 20 h
  • Sun 24.02.19 20 h

Adv. sales: 14 € / red. 9 €
Box office: 17 € / red. 12 €
incl. VRR-Ticket

In Dutch with German surtitles

The introduction ›Fälschung in der Kunst‹ before the performance of 'True Copy' on Saturday, 23.02., has unfortunately been cancelled due to illness. Our restaurant is open for you from 19:00h. Thank you for your understanding!

Tickets 23.02. 20h Tickets 24.02. 20h

The arrest of Geert Jan Jansen in 1994 shook the art world. The police seized over 1600 works signed by Picasso, Appel, Matisse, Chagall and others. Jansen had forged hundreds of works over the years and claimed to possess originals as well. Although numerous forgeries were in circulation, many collectors and institutions took their claims to court only in response to pressure from the police. Others continued to insist that the works in their possession were authentic and their assertions were actually confirmed in some cases by the forged artists themselves. Bart Baele and Yves Degryse of the BERLIN collective create complex multimedia docu-video performances. In ›True Copy‹, they let Jansen speak for himself. Who is to blame – the forger or the art market, whose greed it was that ultimately turned the forgeries into originals? ›True Copy‹ is a parable about the relativity of truth: where does truth stand when falsehood is more convenient; what is reality when fiction sounds more convincing?

Concept, direction: BERLIN (Bart Baele, Yves Degryse) With: Geert Jan Jansen Video: BERLIN, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Jessica Ridderhof, Dirk Bosmans Video editing: BERLIN, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Fien Leysen Set design: Manu Siebens, Ina Peeters, BERLIN Light design:Barbara De Wit Technical coordination: Manu Siebens, Geert De Vleesschauwer Music composition, mixing: Peter Van Laerhoven Piano: Govaart Haché Cello: Katelijn Van Kerckhoven Live mixing: Arnold Bastiaanse Technical coordination: Manu Siebens, Geert De Vleesschauwer Technical assistance: Rex Tee Sound recordings: Bas De Caluwé, Maarten Moesen Light design:Barbara De Wit Production management: Celeste Driesen, Jessica Ridderhof Business management: Kurt Lannoye Administration: Jane Seynaeve Distribution: Eveline Martens Communication: Sam Loncke Production: BERLIN Co-production: Brighton Festival, le CENTQUATRE (Paris), C-TAKT (Limburg), deSingel (Antwerp), Theaterfestival Boulevard (Den Bosch), Het Zuidelijk Toneel (Tilburg), PACT Zollverein (Essen) Supported by: Flemish Community, Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government - Podiumfonds Thanks to:Saskia Verreycken, Diana Boro, Geert Jan Jansen BERLIN is ›creative associate‹ in deSingel (Antwerp) and ›artiste associé‹ in le CENTQUATRE (Paris).


Trailer: ›True Copy‹ by BERLIN

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08.11.2023, De Lievekamp, Oss (NLD)
19.10.2023, Cc Schoten, Schoten (BEL)
31.07.2023, Theater aan Zee, Oostende (BEL)
30.07.2023, Theater aan Zee, Oostende (BEL)
29.07.2023, Theater aan Zee, Oostende (BEL)
28.07.2023, Theater aan Zee, Oostende (BEL)
30.03.2023, L’Embarcadère, Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire (FR)
05.03.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
04.03.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
03.03.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
02.03.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
01.03.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
28.02.2023, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hongkong (CN)
10.02.2023, CC Blankenberge, Blankenberge (BEL)
09.02.2023, CC Blankenberge, Blankenberge (BEL)
02.02.2023, CC Hasselt, Hassel (BEL) 
26.01.2023, Parktheater ism Natl, Eindhoven (NLD)
06.01.2022, Théâtre de Saint-Q, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR)
05.01.2022, Théâtre de Saint-Q, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR)
09.12.2022, La Coursive, La Rochelle (FR)
08.12.2022, La Coursive, La Rochelle (FR)
25.11.2022, Théâtre de Chatill, Châtillon (FR)
24.11.2022, Théâtre de Chatill, Châtillon (FR)
19.10.2022, De Warande, Turnhout (BEL)
10.06.2023, perspectives festiva, Saarbrücken (DE)
09.06.2023, perspectives festiva, Saarbrücken (DE)
19.05.2022, CC Zwaneberg, Heist-op-den-Berg, (BEL)
08.05.2022, auawirleben Theaterfestival, Bern (CH)
07.05.2022, auawirleben Theaterfestival, Bern (CH)
07.04.2022, Munttheater, Weert (NL)
31.03.2022, Liers Cultuurcentrum, Lier (BE)
05.03.2022, CC Guldenberg, Wevelgem (BE)
18.02.2022, Cultuurhuis Merelbek, Merelbek (BE)
15.01.2022, CC De Schakel, Waregem (BE)
12.01.2022. Westrand, Dilbeek (BE)
29.12.2021, CC Mortsel, Mortsel (BE)
15.12.2021, Théâtre Nouvelle G, Lyon (FR)
14.12.2021, Théâtre Nouvelle G, Lyon (FR)
24.11.2021, Théâtre Le Manège, Bergen (BE)
19.11.2021, Schouwburg Het Park, Hoorn (NL)
17.11.2021, Schouwburg De Lawei, Drachten (NL)
13.11.2021, GC de Lijsterbes, Kraainem (BE)
09.11.2021, Toneelhuis, Antwerpen (BE)
31.10.2021, No Strings Attached, Mainz (DE)
30.10.2021, No Strings Attached, Mainz (DE)
29.10.2021, De Spil, Roeselare (BE)
28.10.2021, De Spil, Roeselare (BE)
26.10.2021, Cc ´t Getouw, Mol (BE)
21.10.2021, Junushoff, Wageningen (NL) (cancelled)
19.10.2021, Theater Herlen, Heerlen (NL)
15.10.2021, Theater Speelhuis, Helmond (NL)
13.10.2021, De Maaspoort, Venlo (NL)
08.10.2021, Espace Pluriels, Pau (FR)
07.10.2021, Espace Pluriels, Pau (FR)
05.10.2021, Carré-Colonnes, Bordeaux (FR)
04.10.2021, Carré-Colonnes, Bordeaux (FR)
01.10.2021, CC Wevelgem, Wevelgem (BE) (postponed)
25.09.2021, Schouwbourg Hengelo, Hengelo (NL)
23.09.2021, Theater De Blauwe Ke, Veghel (NL)
17.09.2021, SPOT, Groningen (NL)
30.04.2021, Liers Cultuurcentrum, Lier (BE)
02.04.2021, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes (FR)
01.04.2021, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes (FR)
30.03.2021, Le Carré, Château-Gontier (FR)
25.03.2021, Le Trident, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (FR)
24.03.2021, Le Trident, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (FR)
26.02.2021, Espace Pluriels, Pau (FR) (cancelled)
25.02.2021, Espace Pluriels, Pau (FR) (cancelled)
20.02.2021, Carré-Colonnes, Saint-Médard-en-Jalles (FR) (cancelled)
10.02.2021, CC Belgica, Dendermonde (BE) (cancelled)
08.02.2021, CC Zwaneberg, Heist-op-den-Berg (BE) (cancelled)
06.02.2021, Schouwburg Het Park, Hoorn (NL) (postponed)
03.02.2021, Munttheater, Weert (NL) (postponed)
30.01.2021, CC Mortsel, Mortsel (BE) (postponed)
28.01.2021, Schouwburg De Lawei, Drachten (NL) (postponed)
22.01.2021, ECI Cultuurfabriek, Roermond (NL) (postponed)
15.01.2021, Schouwburg Ogterop, Meppel (NL) (postponed)
14.01.2021, Junushoff, Wageningen (NL) (postponed)
12.01.2021, Parktheater, Eindhoven (NL) (postponed)
08.01.2021, Schouwburg Hengelo, Hengelo (NL) (postponed)
06.01.2021, CC De Schakel, Waregem (BE) (postponed)
16.12.2020, Theater Speelhuis, Hemond (NL) (postponed)
11.12.2020, Theater de Speeldoos, Vught (NL) (postponed)
10.12.2020, Theater De Blauwe Ke, Veghel (NL) (postponed)
01.12.2020, De Maaspoort, Venlo (NL) (postponed)
28.11.2020, SPOT, Groningen (NL) (postponed)
25.11.2020, Schouwburg Tilburg, Tilburg (NL) (postponed)
21.11.2020, GC De Lijsterbes, Kraainem (BE) (postponed)
14.11.2020, Cc ’t Getouw, Mol (BE) (postponed)
08.11.2020, euro-scene Leipzig, Leipzig (DE) (postponed)
07.11.2020, euro-scene Leipzig, Leipzig (DE) (postponed)
03.11.2020, Theater Heerlen, Heerlen (NL) (postponed)
24.10.2020, CC Wevelgem, Wevelgem (BE) (postponed)
08.10.2020, De Velinx, Tongeren (BE)
06.10.2020, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (FR)
05.10.2020, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (FR)
02.10.2020, Théâtre Nouvelle G, Lyon (FR) (postponed)
01.10.2020, Théâtre Nouvelle G, Lyon (FR) (postponed)
25.09.2020, La Passerelle, Saint-Brieuc (FR)
24.09.2020, La Passerelle, Saint-Brieuc (FR)
03.09.2020, Kaserne Basel, Basel (CH) (cancelled)
02.09.2020, Kaserne Basel, Basel (CH) (cancelled)
21.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
20.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
19.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
18.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
17.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
16.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
15.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
14.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
13.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
12.06.2020, Oerol, Terschelling (NL) (cancelled)
10.06.2020, Bourla/Antwerpse K, Antwerpen (BE) (cancelled)
29.05.2020, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (FR) (cancelled)
28.05.2020, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (FR) (cancelled)
27.05.2020, La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve-d’Ascq (FR) (cancelled)
09.05.2020, aufwirbeln, Bern (CH) (cancelled)
08.05.2020, aufwirbeln, Bern (CH) (cancelled)
01.04.2020, De Velinx, Tongeren (BE) (postponed)
28.03.2020, Westrand, Dilbeek (BE) (postponed)
25.03.2020, CC De Schakel, Waregem (BE) (postponed)
20.03.2020, De Spil, Roeselare (BE) (postponed)
19.03.2020, De Spil, Roeselare (BE) (postponed)
13.03.2020, AINSI, Maastricht (NL) (postponed)
11.02.2020, CC De Werf, Aalst (BE)
06.03.2020, les Rotondes, Luxemburg (LU)
05.03.2020, les Rotondes, Luxemburg (LU)
04.03.2020, les Rotondes, Luxemburg (LU) (LU Premiere)
28.02.2020, Schouwburg Kunstmin, Dordrecht (NL)
22.02.2020, CC Leietheater, Deinze (BE)
14.02.2020, Toneelschuur, Haarlem (NL)
13.02.2020, Agnietenhof, Tiel (NL)
11.02.2020, Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag (NL)
01.02.2020, Schouwburg Odeon, Zwolle (NL)
29.01.2020, KVS, Brüssel (BE)
28.01.2020, KVS, Brüssel (BE)
25.01.2020, CC De Herbakker, Eeklo (BE)
24.01.2020, CC Kruispunt, Diksmuide (BE)
22.01.2020, ccBe, Berchem (BE)
18.01.2020, De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg (NL)
17.01.2020, De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg (NL)
15.01.2020, Theater Kicker, Utrecht (NL)
14.01.2020, Theater Kicker, Utrecht (NL)
12.01.2020, DNK, Assen (NL)
10.01.2020, Theater De Bussel, Oosterhout (NL)
09.01.2020, Stadsschouwburg Sint, Sint-Niklaas (BE)
03.01.2020, Stadsschouwburg Nijm, Nijmegen (NL)
21.12.2019, CC Palethe, Pelt (BE)
13.12.2019, CC De Factorij, Zaventem (BE)
06.12.2019, c.c. CasinoKoksijde, Koksijde (BE)
05.12.2019, Cultuurhuis De Leest, Izgem (BE)
01.12.2019, IDFA/De Brakke Gro, Amsterdam (NL)
30.11.2019, IDFA/De Brakke Gro, Amsterdam (NL)
29.11.2019, IDFA/De Brakke Gro, Amsterdam (NL)
28.11.2019, IDFA/De Brakke Gro, Amsterdam (NL)
27.11.2019, Stadstheater, Arnhem (NL)
23.11.2019, Corrosia, Almere (NL)
21.11.2019, Theater de Mythe, Goes (NL)
06.11.2019, CC Brugge/KAAP [MaZ], Brugge (BE)
09.09.2019, Het TheaterFestival, Gent (BE)
08.09.2019, Het TheaterFestival, Gent (BE)
05.09.2019, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
08.08.2019, Theaterfestival Boul, ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
07.08.2019, Theaterfestival Boul, ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
06.08.2019, Theaterfestival Boul, ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
05.08.2019, Theaterfestival Boul, ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
04.08.2019, Theaterfestival Boul, ’s-Hertogenbosch (NL) (NL Premiere)
01.06.2019, Internationales Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen, Nürnberg, Fürth, Schwabach, Tafelhalle, Nürnberg (DE)
31.05.2019, Internationales Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen, Nürnberg, Fürth, Schwabach, Kulturzentrum E-Werk, Erlangen (DE)
30.05.2019, Internationales Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen, Nürnberg, Fürth, Schwabach, Kulturzentrum E-Werk, Erlangen (DE)
26.05.2019, Brighton Festival, Brighton (GB)
25.05.2019, Brighton Festival, Brighton (GB)
24.05.2019, Brighton Festival, Brighton (GB)
23.05.2019, Brighton Festival, Brighton (GB)
18.05.2019, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (FR)
17.05.2019, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (FR)
16.05.2019, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (FR)
15.05.2019, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (FR)
14.05.2019, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (FR)
05.04.2019, Vooruit, Gent (BE)
04.04.2019, Vooruit, Gent (BE)
03.04.2019, Vooruit, Gent (BE)
29.03.2019, Cc De Bogaard, Sint-Truiden (BE)
21.03.2019, Cc Maasmechelen, Maasmechelen (BE)
14.03.2019, De Warande, Turnhout (BE)
08.03.2019, VIE Festival, Vignola (IT)
07.03.2019, VIE Festival, Vignola (IT)
28.02.2019, GC De Kluize, Oosterzele (BE)
24.02.2019, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
23.02.2019, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
21.02.2019, 30CC, Leuven (BE)
15.02.2019, De Grote Post, Oostende (BE)
14.02.2019, nona/Cc Mech, Mechelen (BE)
13.02.2019, nona/Cc Mech, Mechelen (BE)
06.12.2018, C-mine, Genk (BE)
05.12.2018, C-mine, Genk (BE)
27.11.2018, NEXT Arts Festival, CC Het Perron, Ieper (BE)
17.11.2018, deSingel, Antwerpen (BE)
16.11.2018, deSingel, Antwerpen (BE)
15.11.2018, deSingel, Antwerpen (BE)

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