Worauf wir uns beziehen können. (What our points of reference are.)
Reading from the publication ›Interkultur Ruhr 2016-2021‹

  • A collaborative venture by Interkultur Ruhr and PACT Zollverein.
  • Talk Assembly Reading
  • Sat 27.08.22 14 h

Free admission

Registration at: service@pact-zollverein.de

In German

Operating as a mobile organization, since 2016 Interkultur Ruhr has been working on and researching forms of a diverse community – together with actors from various fields, from migrant self-help organizations, and independent initiatives through to cultural institutions and local politicians. Now that the first six years of the program have been completed, a publication has been released in which the authors and editors sketch a picture of the post-migrant and post-colonial cultural world of the Ruhr region. The book is a journey into a future that has long since already been here. It is fundamentally pluralistic and gives a voice to the society of the many.

We need to know what our points of reference are in order to be able to think about other presences and futures, or about a cultural history and culture of memory that takes its cue from diverse social realities. In essays, conversations, commentaries, memories, and proposed futures by artists, activists, and scholars, and a photographic essay by Fatih Kurçeren created especially for the book, the contributors place the so-called intercultural margins of society right at the center of things. Some of the authors will guest at the event in order to read from their work and discuss these with the audience.

With: Association for Black Art_ists / Marny Garcia MommertzPrincela Biyaa with Ijeoma Uzoukwu & Lisa Tracy Michalik, Rebetik.on, Lütfiye Güzel

Moderation: Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs, Fabian Saavedra Lara und Nesrin Tanç

The reading will be followed by the opening of the window display of the publication in the WerkStadt. All guests are warmly invited to stroll together to the WerkStadt (Viktoriastraße 5, 45327 Essen) and celebrate the opening of the exhibition.

A collaborative venture by Interkultur Ruhr and PACT Zollverein.

Free admission, registration at: service@pact-zollverein.de




Association for Black Art_ists / Marny Garcia Mommertz & Princela Biyaa with Ijeoma Uzoukwu & Lisa Tracy Michalik

Portrait of Lütfiye Güzel
Photo: Ben Knabe


Lütfiye Güzel

Die Band Rebetik.on während eines Auftritts
Photo: Guido Meincke



Ein Besucher betrachtet die Schaufenster-Ausstellung zu ›Worauf wir uns beziehen können‹
Photo: Guido Meincke




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