Rasmus Ölme / Max Cuccaro

  • Mon 08.12.03 20 h

›l'art de la fuite‹ is the second creation by the Swedish performer/director Rasmus Ölme made with his REFUG-collective and in collaboration with Max Cuccaro who is also well known as a performer in several Wim Vanderkeybus/Ultima Vez productions.

It's a theatre and dance performance about 'escaping'. About defence mechanisms. About having no choice and finding out which one it is.

Someone has been buried alive; I'm in court accused of murder, insisting on my innocence, resisting and left alone with my cowardice. Give me some more time, just five minutes, just the time to close my windows. A small girl in a dress stands on the windowsill, looking away from me. She turns around, smiles at me, waves her hand and starts flying backwards out in the emptiness. "You go, and I promise not to die before you're back", she says. I'm leaning on a chair, my fingernails carving the wood. I will not let myself sit down. What is left for me to do?

concept/direction: Rasmus Ölme, Max Cuccaro

created with and performed by: Juan Benítez, Mathylde Demarez, Gemma Higginbotham, Harold Henning, Rasmus Ölme

Text: Max Cuccaro, Rasmus Ölme in co-operation with the performers

set design: Isabelle Lhoas, Christophe Olry

light creation and technical coordination: Christophe Olry

Original music and sound design: Igor Paszkiewicz

styling and costumes: Isabelle Lhoas

production: sA & REFUG-collective 
co-produced by the Swedish Institute, danceWEB Europe with the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union, Kulturhuset Stockholm, El Ojo de la Faraona

In special collaboration with Ultima Vez.

sA is supported by the Flemish Community. With the cooperation of the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region. REFUG-collective is supported by The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs.

Photo © Enrique Cardenes

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